Deno v1.7.2 版本发布

Deno 于 2021.02.05 发布了 v1.7.2 版本。中国用户可以使用以下命令安装 Deno v1.7.2 版本:


curl -fsSL | sh -s v1.7.2


$v="1.7.2"; iwr -useb | iex

同时安装多个版本 deno 可以使用 dvm

Deno CLI 的变更:

  • feat(lsp, unstable): add references code lens (#9316)

  • feat(lsp, unstable): add TS quick fix code actions (#9396)

  • fix: improve http client builder error message (#9380)

  • fix(cli): fix handling of non-normalized specifier (#9357)

  • fix(cli/coverage): display mapped instrumentation line counts (#9310)

  • fix(cli/lsp): fix using jsx/tsx when not emitting via tsc (#9407)

  • fix(repl): prevent symbol completion panic (#9400)

  • refactor: rewrite Blob implementation (#9309)

  • refactor: rewrite File implementation (#9334)

Deno 标准库(Deno Standard Modules) 0.86.0 的变更:

  • feat(http/file_server): support do not show dotfiles (#690)

  • feat(http/file_server): show …/ if it makes sense & end dirs with / (#691)
