Deno 于 2021.01.29 发布了 v1.7.1 版本。中国用户可以使用以下命令安装 Deno v1.7.1 版本:
curl -fsSL | sh -s v1.7.1
$v="1.7.1"; iwr -useb | iex
同时安装多个版本 deno 可以使用 dvm。
Deno CLI 的变更:
feat(lsp, unstable): add performance measurements (#9)
fix(cli): IO resource types, fix concurrent read/write and graceful close (#8)
fix(cli): Move WorkerOptions::deno types to unstable (#3)
fix(cli): add lib dom.asynciterable (#8)
fix(cli): correctly determine emit state with redirects (#7)
fix(cli): early abort before type checking on missing modules (#5)
fix(cli): enable url wpt (#9)
fix(cli): fix panic in Deno.emit (#2)
fix(cli): fix panic in op_dns_resolve (#7)
fix(cli): fix recursive dispatches of unload event (#7)
fix(cli): fmt command help message (#0)
fix(cli): use DOMException in Performance#measure (#2)
fix(cli/flags): don’t panic on invalid location scheme (#2)
fix(compile): fix panic when cross-compiling between windows and unix (#3)
fix(core): Handle prepareStackTrace() throws (#1)
fix(coverage): ignore comments (#9)
fix(coverage): use source maps when printing pretty reports (#8)
fix(lsp): complete list of unused diagnostics (#4)
fix(lsp): fix deadlocks, use one big mutex (#1)
fix(lsp): handle mbc documents properly (#1)
fix(lsp): handle mbc properly when formatting (#3)
fix(lsp): reduce deadlocks with in memory documents (#9)
fix(op_crates/fetch): fix ReadableStream.pipeThrough() (#5)
fix(op_crates/web): Add gb18030 and GBK encodings (#2)
fix(op_crates/web): Improve customInspect for Location (#0)
chore: new typescript WPT runner (#9)
Deno 标准库(Deno Standard Modules) 0.84.0 的变更: